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por Isam Tahir - jueves, 6 de mayo de 2021, 21:53
Todo el mundo

Me and Makana spent some late nights in the black box rehearsing our performance and so when the day came to show off in front of the class how hard we worked I absolutely loved being able to display our scene. This has been an awesome semester and an amazing class and I loved being able to work on this scene and put my maximum effort into it. 

Curso asociado: TH113-01/21SP
por Makana Laboy - lunes, 3 de mayo de 2021, 17:22
Todo el mundo

What's up y'all!

So for this last week, Isam & I have actually been grinding to finish our thesis projects for rhetoric and media so we haven't had a lot of time to practice. However, we were able to get our solo practice time in with Rebecca and I think it went great! We are beginning to really start to understand and replicate our characters. I am excited to practice together the next two nights with Isam to really knock this final performance out of the park!! See you all on Wednesday!



Curso asociado: TH113-01/21SP
Todo el mundo

On Wednesday Sanaa and I were able to have our coaching session with Rebecca! The session had to take place in a class room because the blackbox was in use, but this change in environment turned out to be very beneficial for us! We were so stuck in the original blocking of the script that Sana and I could not manage to make the scene feel more grounded. When we were forced to rehearse in a new environment and with different props, our scene seemed to flow much more smoothly. This improvement in our grounding of the scene should also be credited to Rebecca. Rebecca gave us the advice of having intent with every movement we make. Progressing through the scene with this advice in mind helped Sana and I to focus less on the script, and truly react in a "pinch,ouch" manner! I can not wait to perform and show everyone the improvements we have made! 

por McKenzie Wingard - viernes, 30 de abril de 2021, 17:31
Todo el mundo

Hello! I'm writing about some time ago because I've really been in over my head with things so apologies for that. Madi and I had rehearsal on April 20th in Howard again and it was very very useful. I learned I shouldn't be asking how my partner would do something my character has to do! I do understand that, but sometimes I just feel like there are so many ways to do something or there are no ways I can think to do something so I want to see how someone else would to it, but it should come from me and Madi helped me a lot with finding my 'Magic If' with Sam. We also made blocking changes after trying to really flow with our instinct and it feels much better now! Miss you all already...

Curso asociado: TH113-01/21SP
por Zoey Norling - jueves, 29 de abril de 2021, 11:37
Todo el mundo

Final blog post! After our individual coaching session with Rebecca we are feeling much more clear on what we need to work on and the progress we have made. Our beats and pauses in the scene have definitely improved and gotten more clear, however, Rebecca noted that they could still be cleaner. We worked on blocking and finalized what works for us and our scene. It was fun to go back over very specific lines and nail down what the given circumstances were for each moment. Libby and I agreed with Rebecca, that our connection and love could be more clear in the scene. One thing that Rebecca told us to do, to help navigate with the tensions of the scene, is to play one line very loving and the next one very stern. This way, the audience is able to more clearly pick up the contrasting dynamics. This is something that we will be playing with until our final performance. 

We also finally picked out some costumes! We are still unsure if we like them more than the plain white t-shirts that we have been wearing, but they are a collared matching set which is good. We were worried that our scene didn't have enough props or blocking, but after working with Rebecca we left feeling more confident that we have been making some good strong choices by following our instincts. We are excited to finalize everything and wrap up a project we have put so much time and energy into sonrisa 

Curso asociado: TH113-01/21SP
por Mia Bell - miércoles, 28 de abril de 2021, 23:33
Todo el mundo

Hi All! Im working on a little video for this blog post but am in an uphill battle against my computer. Since our scene is so nuanced, Ryan and I did some exercises to get at the subtext of the play (and make Ryan angry). We threw a disk back and forth while moving through the script OFF SCRIPT. By that I mean: we moved through the beats of the scene but instead of speaking the lines, we voiced the thoughts in our characters head using the disk to ground ourselves. It's a little hard finding time to rehearse. But we are looking forward to a few more rehearsals before showings next Wednesday. Its been so much fun getting to work with Ryan and see everyones scenes develop!!! Stay tuned for a video sonrisa

XOXO Gossip Girl

Curso asociado: TH113-01/21SP
por Erika Gray - miércoles, 28 de abril de 2021, 22:02
Todo el mundo

I can't believe the semester is nearly over, it went by so quickly! During our last two rehearsals, Isabel and I have been focusing on applying the feedback we've received from our fellow classmates (ya'll) and Rebecca. One of the biggest takeaways from this last Monday's showing of the full scene was to put additional emphasis on the love between Callie and Sara, even as they're just about to have a big, messy fight. We made small adjustments to our physical actions within the scene that allowed us to be closer to one another- sitting side by side on the sofa instead of standing further apart, having Sara hand off her jacket as she comes through the door into the apartment, etc. We're hoping to work in the Black Box at least once before the final performance so we can get a better sense of the space and improve upon our blocking, since we just made some changes to it today. All that being said, I think it's going really well, and I'm excited for Isabel and I to share it with everyone on Wednesday. Good luck with your finals, folks!

Curso asociado: TH113-01/21SP
por Lauren Satterwhite - miércoles, 28 de abril de 2021, 12:12
Todo el mundo

Today we reviewed the critiques that Rebecca gave to us on our one-on-one.🙂 Some of these reviews consisted on movement within the scene like when we sit and when we stand. 😎 Rebecca actually finalized specific spots where we should stay still and have a conversation rather than wonder and move 💃 😲  We clarified some of the beats and changed certain beat phrases around 😉. Rebecca also provided individual comments about how we said our lines which we also kept in mind for today 😌. Our connection is still fine, our trust is still strong 🙂. We feel well prepared for the final scene! Good luck to everyone on their finals! Can't wait to see everyone's performances!  

Curso asociado: TH113-01/21SP
por Makana Laboy - jueves, 22 de abril de 2021, 22:30
Todo el mundo

Aloha everybody! 

Isam and I this week really worked hard at discovering ways to bring our character out throughout the scene. Although I thought we made great strides at achieving this, there is still more work to be done to fully achieve this. We will continue to rehearse and practice going into this next week to really become intertwined with our characters. Something that Isam and I have done a great job of is using our chemistry off the stage to help us on the stage hit different beats between our two characters. We will keep this going through our final performance!

Curso asociado: TH113-01/21SP
por Martin Lopez - jueves, 22 de abril de 2021, 16:20
Todo el mundo
For this week's rehearsal we decided to recite our lines while walking around the black box. This helped us to focus on our lines only while at the same time stepping out of the scene. We noticed that when we came back to the scene our lines flowed more naturally and we felt more in it. 🚶‍♂️
After rehearsal we took a hike where we got to know each other better and we built more trust and felt more comfortable feeling vulnerable with each other. We believe that this is one of the keys for a strong partnership specially in our scene where intimacy is present. 🧗‍♂️

Personally, something that I have been working on is not rushing. I felt that I did really good on the last showing, but there is always room for improvement. 😮

Lauren has been working on the hidden meaning behind longer sequences.🙂

We are doing good. 😎
Curso asociado: TH113-01/21SP