
2019年 04月 30日(火曜日) 22:50 - Immanuel Harice の投稿

Hello Everyone,

Bria and I have been thinking a lot about our feedback.  I really appreciated when someone told us it really seemed that we performed like we were matching the scene directions. We worked really close with that I had not been in the Black Box to perform creating this world in our own head was a task in itself. I think that the notes, though helpful, are hard to work with from the logistics of the script. Many people were suggesting Bria be more 'drunk' but in the script, it says she slept it off. We will work on that and also blocking how to reveal the mud on legs, I have some ideas but I agree with how it looks for the audience could be improved on. Thank ya'll for the feedback.


2019年 04月 30日(火曜日) 19:33 - Dejour Williams の投稿

Here is the fourth blog talking about owning our statuses and adding more physical behavior.

関連付け コース: TH113-01/19SP
2019年 04月 30日(火曜日) 19:31 - Dejour Williams の投稿

Sorry y'all things have been stressful which I'm sure it is for everybody at this time of the year but Kevin and I doing good and our scene is coming along. 

関連付け コース: TH113-01/19SP
[ 更新日時: 2019年 04月 30日(火曜日) 19:31 ]
2019年 04月 29日(月曜日) 23:52 - Momoka Kato の投稿

Hello, it's Momoka!

This week we mainly worked on specifying physical behavior. The practice was pretty productive but since we both still struggle with some lines especially when we have to speed up during the fight scene, we realized that we need to spend more time on lines. 

We also finalized blocking and changed some movements to make lines and movement connect to each other and create more flow of the scene.

We haven't rehearsed with the costumes, so excited to see how these additional props and costumes would help us being into each character more!

関連付け コース: TH113-01/19SP
[ 更新日時: 2019年 04月 29日(月曜日) 23:52 ]
2019年 04月 29日(月曜日) 13:03 - Victor Warrens の投稿

This week has been another pretty good week for bettering our scene. We were able to meet a few times to rehearse and made good progress, though this was recorded before the critique we got in class on Monday, the 29th. We haven't yet had time to explore those. Other than that we need to work a bit more on lines in one part of our scene, as we've been having some trouble with it in previous rehearsals. We'll probably help this  by working more on lines individually and hopefully meet at least twice more before the final performance.

関連付け コース: TH113-01/19SP
2019年 04月 29日(月曜日) 00:37 - Beatrice Newcomb の投稿

What We Wanted To Do:

This week we mainly focused on the pauses and given circumstances. My lord Annie Baker has a lot of pauses. A good few of them we realized we were just injecting ourselves, which helped to weed them out, but a couple of them were just awkwardly placed.

What We (Like Actually) Did:

We looked over the lines, our beats, and our actual performance, making sure every silence corresponded to the text, and cutting those that didn't.

What We Learned:

The thing about the pauses that were included in the text is that they shape the meaning of the scene. The pauses that we put in ourselves made the scene more monotonous, yet awkward. Kinda like a party where you don't know anyone there, but feel the need to at least have a conversation with someone. This means that taking them out and replacing them with only those in the script changed the meaning of a lot of character choices; instead of Rose not even giving Sam the time of day, she highly considers being with him, but holds herself back due to her inhibitions. Sam, on the other hand, instead of just being spiteful over the rejection, has only just begun to see both his time at the theatre and with Rose as wasted thus lashing out in a time of vulnerability. 

Problems We Encountered:

The only problem was really just working with the text. Annie Baker doesn't make it easy!

関連付け コース: TH113-01/19SP
2019年 04月 28日(日曜日) 18:03 - Caroline Wilkes の投稿

This week we really worked on implementing the notes that the class and Rebecca gave us after our run on Monday.  We tried and ended up setting up the hospital bed directly facing the audience, instead of at the angle that we had before, because that allows the audience to see our expressions better (as scene in the picture).  We re-blocked the fight scene so that it is less of me pushing Hongyi out the door, but her getting so fed up that she runs outs of her own accord.  It changes the meaning a bit, but we like it better. We are also really trying to work on our line cut-offs during the fight which are getting better.  I think our biggest problem so far is that every time we ran the scene, we would try to scream at each other and be more angry, but we are just not screamers.  It is so hard for us to scream at each other, the best I can do so far is raise my voice to a yell but even then it's more of a pleading yell. It's a work in progress. 

関連付け コース: TH113-01/19SP
William Hoard
2019年 04月 28日(日曜日) 09:16 - William Hoard の投稿

For this week we have mainly focusing on the notes that Rebecca gave us for our first full run through. Really working on trying to find tap into the moment to moment, especially in the first part of our scene, and then building off of that as we go further into the scene. We both have had a hard time, I would say, finding how to fully develop our characters by the end of the scene. They are both pretty complex, like we’ve said before, so learning how to tap into that some has been hard. We both are happy with the work we are doing though, overall, and look forward to having our piece all flushed out.

We are also continuing to work on the blocking and I would say the biggest challenge we run into when we go about doing that is making sure that it doesn’t come off as awkward or unnatural looking. Working with the space you have as an actor is definitely more challenging than you would think at times! We are working on it though and trying to really make a compelling scene and hopefully we are able to achieve that!

-Caley and Will

Elias Williamson
2019年 04月 26日(金曜日) 14:30 - Elias Williamson の投稿

I would be hearing the tune.

2019年 04月 23日(火曜日) 22:40 - Falcon Garfein の投稿

This is Falcon posting a day late.

Connor and I had a busy week and weekend and couldn't rehearse until Monday night, but we tried to make up for it by rehearsing tonight (Tuesday) as well. We're performing tomorrow, and I won't speak for Connor, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I'm hoping we can make up for our sub-par first performance. At least we're off-book now! We also got our set and costumes planned out, so we actually meet the minimum requirements for the assignment this time. Now, self-deprecation aside, we've been trying to work out all of our wants and action verbs for the scene, which is proving difficult, since it seems that we interpret the text differently every time we read it. There's one line that we had originally read as being aggressive that we've now realized should just be read as tired. Our scene may be short, but it's full of emotion that we're still discovering.

関連付け コース: TH113-01/19SP