Blog entry by William Hoard

William Hoard
by William Hoard - Sunday, 28 April 2019, 9:16 AM
Anyone in the world

For this week we have mainly focusing on the notes that Rebecca gave us for our first full run through. Really working on trying to find tap into the moment to moment, especially in the first part of our scene, and then building off of that as we go further into the scene. We both have had a hard time, I would say, finding how to fully develop our characters by the end of the scene. They are both pretty complex, like we’ve said before, so learning how to tap into that some has been hard. We both are happy with the work we are doing though, overall, and look forward to having our piece all flushed out.

We are also continuing to work on the blocking and I would say the biggest challenge we run into when we go about doing that is making sure that it doesn’t come off as awkward or unnatural looking. Working with the space you have as an actor is definitely more challenging than you would think at times! We are working on it though and trying to really make a compelling scene and hopefully we are able to achieve that!

-Caley and Will