Blog entry by Ray Freedman

by Ray Freedman - Tuesday, December 15, 2015, 7:15 PM
Anyone in the world

So I realized that before Ruby left, the week we did our scene, that I hadn't blogged about it! The week prior to Ruby & I's final scene was really intense rehearsal wise. Ruby let me know she was leaving the semester early and so we had to really try to get the scene into good shape before then. We rehearsed almost everyday that week. We got to that point where we didn't know how to push the scene further than we had, so we did a couple odd things in rehearsal and the session with Rebecca was immensely helpful. One thing we did was rehearse in the little amphitheater next to Fir Acres, and we just walked around and tried to walk toward, away, or around each other according to what was going on in the scene. We also started running the scene with really high energy, and then really low and quiet energy to see what the variety was that we could work with. Then the session with Rebecca came, and we mainly worked on really trying to shape the choices we had already made. The scene between Justin and Julie is really odd, and it was hard to live inside some of the beats. Ruby and I really hope you guys enjoyed the scene and I can't wait to watch everyone's tomorrow. 

Also, since we did our final scene it's been really fun to watch everyone else's scene. There isn't one scene in the class that hasn't grown or engaged me, so I just wanted to say thanks to everyone because this class has been great. 

Associated Course: TH113-02/15FA