Blog entry by Chloe Leboeuf

by Chloe Leboeuf - Tuesday, February 6, 2018, 9:14 AM
Anyone in the world

Yesterday, I was watching the Superbowl, and I found myself cynically thinking about what a money vortex the NFL is. Why do we worship these men? Why do we dump so much money into this monopoly? Why do people in the NFL make more money than I ever will, even if I've never heard their names? It's kind of crazy, if you think about it. What good is the NFL doing for our society? My friends got sick of hearing me banter, so I've had the past 24 hours to think about these questions. Surprisingly, my conclusions aren't all that cynical. I started thinking about the ancient Roman Empire; thousands of people would go to the Colosseum for entertainment. People need some form of fun and entertainment; it's in our human nature and our social foundation. On top of entertainment, the NFL provides a sense of belonging and community. Being from New England, when I was walking around town on Sunday mid-day, I felt so proud to be from their, as I saw people wearing Patriots hats and shirts. I've never been a football fanatic, but for some reason, I felt a sense of pride in my hometown and for my team. So basically, I just proved my own argument wrong. The need to belong and find some community is ingrained into the foundation of our society. And despite how I could still argue the NFL is a waste of our money, it's an important part of our society, and, I believe, it's needed entertainment.