Articles de blog de Caley Moon

par Caley Moon, dimanche 14 avril 2019, 21:00
Tout le monde (grand public)



This week’s rehearsal has been good. At this point we both just really need to work on our lines. We both have a good idea of what each line is supposed to be but they are kind of short quick lines, so it’s easy to stumble over them and try to remember which lines come next. Especially in the scenes where they are arguing because it is super easy to get lost in the commotion of what is going on. We also have continued to have a lot of fun working together and hope that fun can extend into the final performance (in the sense that we want to enjoy while we are performing). Finding a connection to the characters is a continued struggle but we are both working hard on that. Doug and Kayleen’s lives, although may have some similarities to our own, are for the most part, pretty different from ours. So working on finding a connection to the emotion and the thoughts behind each line and action is something we have really tried to discuss together. Overall we are really happy with the work we have put into this scene, and our happy with what we have come up with, but we both agree that there is more work to be done!

Cours associé: TH113-01/19SP