ブログエントリ by Momoka Kato

2019年 04月 29日(月曜日) 23:52 - Momoka Kato の投稿

Hello, it's Momoka!

This week we mainly worked on specifying physical behavior. The practice was pretty productive but since we both still struggle with some lines especially when we have to speed up during the fight scene, we realized that we need to spend more time on lines. 

We also finalized blocking and changed some movements to make lines and movement connect to each other and create more flow of the scene.

We haven't rehearsed with the costumes, so excited to see how these additional props and costumes would help us being into each character more!

関連付け コース: TH113-01/19SP
[ 更新日時: 2019年 04月 29日(月曜日) 23:52 ]