ブログエントリ by Connor Grossman

2019年 05月 1日(水曜日) 00:45 - Connor Grossman の投稿

Hello everyone! Connor here. Sorry this is a day late.

Falcon and I performed our scene last Wednesday. I am so pleased by the feedback you all gave! You're a really thoughtful group, and your criticisms were so helpful! Our next step is implementing them to make our scene the best it can be. Falcon and I have been super busy now that the year is almost over, so not a ton of progress has been made since the performance. We intend to focus on the more tender moments in our scene—places where our characters engage with each other without hostility. There are some really gorgeous moments to work with, and sadly we haven't yet given them enough thought. I want to present my character, Peter, in a more complex way than I am currently doing. Right now I've been playing him like he's little more than a jerk, but he has so much going on! I need to explore his less-angry side.

That's all for now. Falcon and I will keep you posted! For your enjoyment, here's a video of Falcon reading aloud a chalkboard full of unintelligible text we came across while working. Whoever tells us what it means first gets a Snickers ;)*

*Offer not valid in the continental US.

関連付け コース: TH113-01/19SP