Blog entry by Jake Bushman

by Jake Bushman - Tuesday, November 26, 2019, 11:28 AM
Anyone in the world

Our first couple weeks of practice I feel like our production with me and Devin went really well. Before the showing of our two minutes off-script, we were able to meet up twice to discuss how our setup should be (with the stage and isle of seats), go over our script, and how our beats work with actual practice. One thing I personally(Jake)was really showing concern about was our beat with my laughter, I seemed(Jake) to have trouble with being able to show a good solid realistic laugh reaction from his statement, but being able to flip gears to surprised/stunned in a matter of seconds. The scene where Devin(acting as Avery)told me that he was hoping to own his own theatre someday. I responded as it was funny that he would think of a crazy idea like that. He responded as he was "sort of serious". At that point, I felt a beat change as I was "stunned". During class Professor, Lingafelter pointed out to show more of a realistic reaction to Avery, that's because, at that point, Avery didn't want to take any more crap from me (Sam). I believe I was able to improve in this part of me and Devin's conversation. 

After doing research about what makes good laughing, I found a couple of pointers according to the website ThoughtCo. The article's name was An Actor's Guide to Laughing on Stage".

The first thing I learned from this article is that "laughing naturally on stage is the big challenge".  I experienced this in my actment because I had a hard time finding something funny to think about, but also being able to express it in an appropriate way. Another thing I will take from this article in my rehearsing with my partner is to try many ways of laughing. It says s to try out "new laughs in which you have observed". This can be done by watching movies or theatre productions to see how actors use their way of "laughter". 

Associated Course: TH113-02/19FA