Blog entry by Jake Bushman

by Jake Bushman - Sunday, December 1, 2019, 4:27 PM
Anyone in the world

Our second week with rehearsals I belive has gone very well. We weren't able to get a lot of time in together (due to Thanksgiving break) but I and Devin wanted to make sure to keep on practicing our lines. As I have mentioned in our last blog, we wanted to make sure there were not too many long pauses where it can be awkward. During our practice time(before break), we wanted to limit the number of mistakes involving lines. I believe we're on the right step to having a good 5-7 minute presentation. Really excited to be able to work with Devin because I understand how hard he works. 

Throughout the break-even though Devin and I live a distance from each other. We really couldn't be able to practice our physical actions together and had to rely on our own personal work. For me, I was able to spend some time over the break and practice lines with my sister where she was Avery from "The Flick", and I was Sam. 

Associated Course: TH113-02/19FA