Blog entry by Manu Skora

by Manu Skora - Monday, December 2, 2019, 7:14 PM
Anyone in the world

Ethan and I have not met up to practice since our dress rehearsal on Tuesday. Of course, that is not to say that we have not worked on the scene. In fact, we have been using Thanksgiving break to contemplate over our theatrical choices independently. We were given lots of constructive feedback during our dress rehearsal, and we needed time to digest all of it. 

One piece of feedback that deeply surprised me is when Rebecca stated that this was the most grounded she has seen me. The method I tried to use to become grounded was to avoid eye contact with the audience. I did not think this would work because if you avoid looking at the audience, you are acknowledging that the audience is there. Going out of your way to avoid looking at the audience could be just a dangerous as staring directly at the audience. So now I am not really sure how to treat the audience when I am acting.

Another realization I had from doing the dress rehearsal is that my back was turned to the audience. I need to find a way to fix this. Someone suggested going around the chairs to the other side. I appreciate this piece of advice, but I am not sure if that would appear natural for the character. To me, the most realistic thing to do in this situation would be to take the shortest beeline path to where Ethan's character is lying down. This is a problem that I need to think more about.

Associated Course: TH113-02/19FA