Blog entry by Ryann St Julien

Anyone in the world

Unfortunately I don't feel like trying to write in prose this week, so I'll just spill what we did at our rehearsal last night:

Two full hours of repeating the scene and chatting to try and figure out why we keep dropping some lines.

A few laughs scattered here and there when we mess up.

Huffs and sighs complaining about why we don't want to go even though we're ready.

A full conversation about food and what we like and don't like.

Going over missed parts as many times as we could.

Even more complaining about not wanting to go.

Now go back and read the first letter of every line.


Honestly, this week's prose started off unintentional but after I saw what I started to write and the way I was writing it, I had to make it a poem thing. At our rehearsal last night, we mostly focused on out memorizations and making sure that we had all of the words down before we put it up on its feet. As we were moving around and putting emotion into it, we found that there were a couple of lines that we kept dropping, but never the same ones in the same run of the scene. We decided to chalk it up to the fact that we were overthinking the scene, because we wouldn't realize something was missing until the scene was over. We ran it twice before getting sidetracked and had a full on conversation about food, specifically Mexican food and baking (cause I like to bake, and I'm going to bake a special treat for finals to share). Once we got back on track, we ran it probably 7 more times, pausing after each one to see if we missed any lines. Once we were able to run it 2 times in a row without messing up, we called it good, promising to study lines more before our performance today (woo.). I think everything will go pretty well. We know the stuff, we have the set, props, and costumes. All we have to do is get the nerve to actually do it. And that isn't too hard. 


Associated Course: TH113-01/19FA