Blog entry by Indigo Araya Rodriguez

by Indigo Araya Rodriguez - Saturday, December 14, 2019, 4:48 PM
Anyone in the world

We presented our second draft of the Final scene on Thursday the 5th of December. After receiving positive feedback both from our classmates and Rebecca about the better grounding achieved in our second draft, we decided to meet on Sunday 8th of December in the black box to rehearse in order to get work on the anticipation of actions and the intention we attack the lines with. We thought it was necessary to get more comfortable with the props and analyze again our relationship with each other and the physical setting. 

During this rehearsal, we worked a lot more in blocking and our relationship with each other. We changed some of the movements we had planned by doing a couple of run-throughs with improvised physical actions. After Sunday's rehearsal, we both felt a lot more comfortable with relevant objects like the door (highly complex physical action for Julia) and the couch (place of Julia's attempt at understanding Callie). We struggled the most with the idea of achieving high stakes without overacting the obstacle (Julia: not understanding Callie's concerns.  Fabi: Being mad/annoyed without forgetting that Callie still loves Sara). We are looking forward to our coaching session with Rebecca! 

Associated Course: TH113-02/19FA