Blog entry by Sanaa Green

by Sanaa Green - Monday, April 19, 2021, 8:10 PM
Anyone in the world

This week Micheal and I are working on finishing the last parts of our scene as well as work on feedback that we received about the first part of our performance. This week will be difficult for us to practice because my voice is out and I've been trying everything to get it back. However, I am excited to continue this work and I'm super excited to see everyone's showing. Something I've been struggling with is again memorizing my scene because the depth of our scene towards the ending gets more intense and there are more stakes to cover. We've also been wondering what more we can bring to our scene to make it more natural like the use of costumes or more effective props. Overall, I think our work is going good just a lot of memorization, practice, and confidence. I've been enjoying everyone's scenes and appreciate everyone's work!!!