Blog entry by Joseph Accuardi-Gilliam

Anyone in the world

     Like many, I'm sure, I found the descriptions of my "personalities" to be pretty accurate. I have done an exercise similar to the Gregorc and found this result to be similar to what I have previously done. I am "Concrete Random" dominant, which accurately represents my goal of presenting even the most random or even controversial ideas if only to spark conversation about how things could be done differently. I am also very adaptable, and welcome change but, and my personality test scoring me as a pretty strong "lion" would suggest that any change be well structured. 

      As I read through the descriptions of each Gregorc category, I was interested to see that my weakest category was "Abstract Random." As a musician the fact that this learning characteristic was the art/music focus stood out to me directly. While I have had much success with performance in music, I have always struggled with composition, which the AR learners appear to have strength in. Perhaps these learning categories could evaluate strengths in certain subject areas, and could be used (in a water down format) to help place students in subjects that would give them the most success.