Blog entry by Tammy Stamp

Tammy Stamp
by Tammy Stamp - Thursday, November 1, 2012, 2:10 PM
Anyone in the world

According to Smalley's personality test, my scores were: Otter 47, Beaver 46, Lion 45, Golden Retriever 41.  I am definitely optimistic, inspirational, attentive and impatient from the otter's characteristics.  Being a math teacher, the beaver hits the bullseye.  Ranking high as a lion makes me wonder if this has been developed more as I am operating as a Dean of Students this year.  I also see elements of the golden retriever in my classroom as a teacher.  I am curious as to what my scores would have been a year ago as opposed to my split-contract role as teacher and administrator this year.  On a daily basis I feel like Harvey Dent, teaching, nurturing, encouraging, and inspiring students on one hand, then five minutes later I am listening to students, keeping control of the school, holding students accountable to school rules, and handing out consequences for behavioral issues.  This personality test shows me that all four sets of characteristics are a part of me as I fulfill both roles.


According to the Gregoric Style Delineator, I am dominant in the concrete random spectrum.  The important qualities that support being an administrator are: using insight to ...find the "big picture", une intuition to uncover...deception, stand independently of other's..., create new ideas, approaches..., conform to established rules..., function open-ended activities, and thrive in conditions that offer choice, chance, challenge and change.  To me, that last portion "thrive in conditions that offer choice, chance, challenge and change" coupled with using "insight ... to find the 'big picture' " are the tenets for an administrator of the schools today.  Having my secondary spectrum be concrete sequential, it feels like the scaffolding supporting my dominant characteristics.  I feel fortunate that I can find a vision (CR) and for the vision becoming reality in every day life (CS).  This actually gives me inspiration and helps my self-confidence for being an effective administrator.

[ Modified: Thursday, November 1, 2012, 2:11 PM ]