Blog entry by Michael Strande

by Michael Strande - Monday, November 12, 2012, 6:41 PM
Anyone in the world

Here are the results of my personality test:


Lion:                            44

Otter:                          45

Golden Retriever:      39

Beaver:                       39


I guess I’m an Otter with Lion tendencies.  That would be close to what I would have predicted.  Some of the strengths I feel I’m aware that I display would be optimistic, future oriented, enjoys change.  Weaknesses that I need to be mindful of are impulsive, avoids details, unrealistic, daydreamer and need to be attentive to mate’s needs (my wife’s feelings are important to my overall emotional well being).  The strengths are good to know but I think the areas for improvement are more critical to becoming effective in leadership. 


Gregoric Style


I came out strongest in the Abstract Random category with Concrete Random and Concrete Sequential tying for second.  Being “mediocre, average and unnoticed” struck a chord with me.  I have never thought of myself this way but reflecting on it I think that is what often drives me to take risks or to make changes in my life.  I have always wondered if people who are highly driven are really insecure (they have to be better or different than everybody else) or are they just bored, maybe a little of both.   


Weaknesses I’m going be more aware of now:


Loosing sight and feel for the vision

Failing to evaluate and deliberate when appropriate

Substituting personal vision for the vision of the organization


Leadership Beliefs Inventory


Directive                     33.5

Collaborative             33.5

Nondirective              33.5


Hmm.  I’d like to think that I use a broad range of strategies when dealing with people/teachers.  I could see this interpreted as conforming too much to what I think others want to hear or do.  Maybe too flexible?  Not sure.


Questions I have:


  • Is there a one size fits all leadership style or does it depend on the organization?
  • To what extent should one try to change their “style” or is some of it part of their personality, who they really.  At what point should someone reflect and self assess and say to themselves “I shouldn’t change my leadership style or my personality, I should find a different organization, job, career”?
  • How accurate and valid are we when we self assess?