Blog entry by Sean Shevlin

Sean Shevlin
by Sean Shevlin - Sunday, November 3, 2013, 6:43 PM
Anyone in the world

I did my personality test and the Gregoric Style and was somewhat confused on the results. For the Gregoric Style I got a 26-CS, 25-AS, 24-AR, and 25-CR. I was so close on all of them I didn't know which style I was. I read through all the descriptions and pieces of each describe what I would say my style is. I did identify with most of the fears and likes and dislikes in the CS category which was my highest so I thought that was correct. It made me feel as though I am adaptable and can change my style with the situation I am put in.

    On the Instructional Leadership Beliefs Inventory I had to put myself in a hypothetical role as an Instructional Leader as I am not currently in that role. I also looked at how I would want my administrator to act towards me. With having taught at three different high schools in 3 different states and worked with 6 different administrators in that time I have also analyzed aspects of their leadership style. These experiences have helped to shape my thoughts about how I would act in that role. On this test I scored a 40.2% on Directive, a 20.1% on Collaborative, and a 40.2% on Non-Directive. Again I had a tie for two traits that are sort of contradictory of each other. After reading through the descriptions I decided that both those percentages worked well with high motivation teachers from the chart. The non-directive approach worked well with highly abstract teachers that are probably very capable of making decisions to better the school and know where they need to go. The directive approach worked well with teachers that were not as highly abstract thinkers and needed more guidance and help with what to do to help the school. I thought this meant I also change my style depending on what type of teacher I am dealing with and how much direction they need from me. I did notice Collaborative was definitely my lowest scoring area so that could be an area I am not as comfortable dealing with and need to work on improving.

      The last test I did was the personality test just to see how I scored. I ended up being a Beaver-Lion with only a one point difference between those two. Again they are somewhat contradictory in nature, but thought I was a balanced version of the two areas.  My lowest scoring category was the otter which I definitely agreed with. It taught me to be careful in being too demanding of my teachers and holding them to too high of standards. I felt that is a very important attribute for me to control in the future so I don't alienate teachers.

Associated Course: EDAD502-01/13GF