Blog entry by Alexandra Mauceri

Alexandra Mauceri
by Alexandra Mauceri - Wednesday, November 20, 2013, 12:01 PM
Anyone in the world

Weekly Blog #1:

So far this week, our rehearsal sessions have been pretty successful. We are both becoming much more fluent with our lines, and this is greatly improving the movement and believability of our scene. Knowing our lines better will also help with in class work, because we can put our full attention on the task at hand instead of worrying about several things at once. This has been our biggest problem so far and it has hindered us from getting any real, concrete work done. An overall challenge we have is staying focused when rehearsing. I think that we need at least a full hour of uninterrupted practice in order to stay on target and to get good. Hopefully, practicing in the Black Box instead of the dorms will help with this problem. We are quite hopeful for the scene, and we recognize that PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT.

Weekly Blog #2
In these following weeks, we have memorized all of our lines very well, which is making the movement much more fluid and natural. We love our stage set up, and feel that it will work in the final scene. We have done a lot of blocking, however acknowledge that it still needs practice. We need to become more comfortable speaking and acting at the same time (which is harder than it seemed). Our last practice was by far the most productive because we found a quiet area with no distractions. If we continue on this productive pace, we will be prepared for the final presentation. We had our first disagreement about staging and managed to power through it very nicely with a compromise. However, we realize that there is still a lot of work to be done.
Weekly Blog #3
This week, we met for two hours and went over the notes we received in class. Instead of saying our lines like we memorized, we aimed at reacting more to one another. Furthermore, we rose our stakes. One of the best notes that I (Alex) received was to focus more on my reaction to the stolen money than to insulting Willa (Renee). This note made me realize to focus more on the characters overall motivation instead of focusing on just the words. This note was the main focus of our rehearsal and helped us both with grounding. Our blocking is working very well with our seen. We worked mostly on the slapping scene where Dennise wants to know where Willa got the pot. The hesitation in the first performance was mostly due to a difference in opinions. We both had very different visions for the scene and we had to come to a compromise. In the practice session, we worked more on making the compromise feel natural.
Weekly Blog #4
We have been working a lot on intention in our latest rehearsals. We really dug in to each character and reviewed what their overall objectives were for the scene. Furthermore, we have been trying to perfect our blocking, although admittedly we are having a rough time with this. It is hard to make planned staging look natural. We have our lines down pretty well, however when we get into the heat of the scene, we seem to get wrapped up and lose them momentarily. Hopefully this wont happen in the final! In rehearsals thus far, we run through the scene with many stops and starts in order to perfect it. However we realize that we need to have more straight run throughs in order to be ready for the final showing. In rehearsals, we have learned to become better at compromising on stage direction and intent, We have found that the Stewart rec room is a great and quiet place to practice, and it has helped us get to where we need to be.
Associated Course: TH113-02/13FA
[ Modified: Wednesday, December 11, 2013, 2:49 PM ]