Blog entry by Damian Melnicove

Damian Melnicove
by Damian Melnicove - Wednesday, November 27, 2013, 2:02 PM
Anyone in the world

From rehearsal to rehearsal, Eli and I are becoming more comfortable with the scene. Going off book was challenging, as we both had long sections to memorize; but now that we have memorized our lines, it is easier to work on nuanced aspects of the scene. Listening remains a struggle for both of us. I can improve on listening and reacting to Eli's lines and movements. His aggression toward me can't be completely brushed off; he must demand my attention and intimidate me with his lines and movements. We must both find a way to feel the high stake nature of the scene. In rehearsal we have tried to relate the unfamiliar situation of the scene to a high stake scenario personal to us, one we might become involved in. In future rehearsals we will work on trusting each other further, especially in regard to each other's creative ideas and criticism. 

Associated Course: TH113-02/13FA