Blog entry by Christy Walters

Anyone in the world

I found that I am an otter. A silly, furry, shellfish loving otter. The lion tailed behind by 6 points. I am absolutely not a golden retriever, this is a fact that kind of makes me sad but since I like otters I am overall content with my newly identified self. The cons of an otter are as follow and I agree: there is such a thing as too much energy, I have a need for social recognition and at times I avoid details. It is mentioned that my energy level can manipulate others which feels horrible since it is not me but my energy level. Also, I like coffee so it is tough to tame this challenge. This does get in the way sometimes---when do I halt and stay put so others can catch up and when do I trudge forward dragging them behind? On the pros list I feel my enthusiasm, compassion and high level of responsiveness aids in building relationships so if I am dragging them they are usually half smiling and mostly want to come but then again maybe my energy has manipulated them into thinking so, hard to tell. 


The Gregoric Style Delineator yielded similar information in the form of a Concrete Random personality trailed by Abstract Random. Some things I notice:  I absolutely use insight to skip details and find the big picture. Intuition and reading others does play a big role in how I strategize. I definitely want teachers to be ethical, just, genuine, flexible and tolerant in the classroom-above all else. I fear mediocrity. I fear losing so sometimes I ‘drop out’. I fear being involved in meaningless activities or relationships. When I read the list of ways I might harm an organization I know should be cognizant of the following: substituting personal vision for the organization’s...this is the only one that seems to fit something that might happen. Also noted was being unscrupulous but I feel extremely confident in my moral compass. It is also mentioned sexual impropriety but I’m too tired despite my otter tendencies.  

When I read about the variety of leadership behaviors and approaches, I most closely identify with the collaborative. I think this comes from coaching. Coaches are collaborators. I would like to develop my non-directive skills. To listen and clarify and not always feel like I need to problem solve, this where the leading the vision to much as noted prior might be remedied. I think it is critical to up the level of teacher commitment first. This probably comes from a combination of approaches but it is essential as noted in the article-the apathetic, detached teacher is not going to move forward no matter what the style. Perhaps, my energy level can manipulate them into caring.

Associated Course: EDAD502-01/13GF