Blog entry by Madison Levinson

Madison Levinson
by Madison Levinson - Wednesday, December 4, 2013, 12:01 AM
Anyone in the world

Zack and I have been working diligently on our scene. I feel pretty grounded for the beginning of the scene, but as it progresses we move into material we aren't as familiar with. I think with more rehearsals the groundedness will improve. My voice has its good days and its bad days. I would like to work on projection without loosing the integrity of what I am saying. Zack is fun to rehearse lines with and I think we are progressing. The physicality of our scene is developing. I am working on creating a space in which I can feel comfortable to release gut reactions (such as when Zack slams the door). I look forward to our performance tomorrow and hope all goes well.

Associated Course: TH113-02/13FA