Blog entry by Dara Reckard

Dara Reckard
by Dara Reckard - Wednesday, November 25, 2015, 2:28 PM
Anyone in the world

Hey ya'll so Simon and I have been doing a lot of rehearsing this last week. Our first rehearsal we did last week Thursday. We met up for an hour an a half in the Platt-Howard main lounge and just ran lines over and over again. At this point, neither Simon or I were completely memorized so we used the time to become more familiar with the lines together and talk about what sort of props we needed to have and who was going to get/bring what. Here's a picture of us from that day:


Then we met up on Sunday for an hour in my common room in Howard to make sure the other person had their lines memorized. We both did pretty good! I also practiced giving Simon a black eye for the scene. I really wanted him to look a little beat up but I wasn't sure how we were going to do it because I don't have a lot of makeup. I ended up using lipstick and it looks pretty good! I also made the bandage for my arm and the fake blood came out fine with a little lipstick and some red sharpie. =P Here's a picture of the makeup on Simon:

We met up on Monday and rehearsed in the black box for an hour and a half. This rehearsal felt really good because it was the first time we had all of our props and we were finally able to test out some blocking. We were able to work through the logistics of the scene and felt like we were getting closer to where we wanted to be.

We also met up Tuesday night (from 11pm till midnight) because it was the only time the black box was avaliable and we wanted to get in another practice with props, set and costumes. I think this is the best rehearsal we had because we had previously worked with props and we had been working on lines for awhile. In one of the runs where Simon and I were fighting back and forth it got so intense and I became so grounded in the scene that when he yelled at me I completely blanked on my line. I was so surprised and impressed while Simon and I were doing the scene that I got lost in it. Whoops. Hopefully that won't happen when we preform it for real. Hope everyone else's rehearsals are going well!

Associated Course: TH113-02/15FA