Applications of systems/relational approaches to
treatment of clinical issues. Course offerings
address a variety of topics. Each course includes
an emphasis on clinical case conceptualization,
treatment planning, and intervention.
- Teacher: Jessica Thomas
- Teacher: Gianna Russo-Mitma
- Teacher: Jennifer Burleton
- Teacher: Center for Community Engagement
- Teacher: Carol Doyle
- Teacher: Maia Penchansky
A space for non-exempt staff discussion and projects
- Moderator: Emily Morin
- Moderator: Joanie O'Brien
- Moderator: Annette Skaugset
- Moderator: Marjorie Synakiewicz
- Coordinator: Hanna Neuschwander
- Coordinator: Barbara Shepperson
Students will explore the role of science and, scientific knowledge in a democratic society., Through readings, discussion, reflective writing,, and experiences in the field, students will:, identify factors that influence who chooses to, study science in school and/or pursue a career in, science and who does not, explore factors that, influence who succeeds in science majors and, careers, review a range of models for science, teaching designed to meet the needs of a diverse, population, and consider the role that an, understanding of science plays in the maintenance, of a democratic society.
- Teacher: Liza Finkel